Coconut and Jam Bites |
So after last weeks fracas of coming up empty in finding new great restaurants locally, it looks as though this dry spell is continuing for a bit so I am enjoying recapturing and making some of the food I love to eat from New Zealand. This week we have a truck load of relatives coming to stay for a few weeks from New Zealand and Florida. I thought I would rustle these up as a sort of welcoming treat. It's an adapted slice recipe that my mum used to make all the time when I was a kid growing up in New Zealand.
Coconut Jam Bites |
They were my favourite thing to eat. As a kid I wasn't really that interested in food (that has changed). My uncle used to call me 'sticks' because I was mostly skin & bone (that has changed too!) and spent most my time running around outside with the rest of the neighbourhood kids during the warm summer evenings. It was the 80's and life was safe in our little corner of the globe.
Coconut and Jam Bites adapted from the slice on the right |
Even now its still a treat to eat and one of the most easiest things to make. You can either cut them up as a slice for kids, or like I have done here, cut them into circled bite size pieces, and serve them flipped, its more appealing visually. They are rather sweet but wonderful with a cup of tea and for me one or two is quite enough to keep one energised and not break the calorie bank, and lets not forget its a great addition to a High Tea.
Coconut Raspberry Bites - Great with a cup of Tea |
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