High Tea with a Twist, Scones (foreground) & Jubileumstårta I was recently having lunch with a couple of pals at our Swedish friend's newly landscaped outdoor garden patio when she whipped up this amazing Swedish Sandwich (Jubilee) Cake - Jubileumstårta . In Sweden this Jubilee cake can be ordered any most bakeries and is often used as a celebration cake for anniversaries, graduations etc. I bought along some of my freshly made scones (Mary Berry recipe) as an after-sweet but to be honest this sandwich cake is a fabulous and opulent divergence from your everyday high tea. It is impressive and I was surprised at how simple it is to put together, so I've put the recipe that my friend used below. Enjoy! Jubileumstårta - Sandwich Cake You are aiming for a sandwich that literally follows this format: Bread Tuna Filling Bread Egg Filling Bread Tuna Filling Bread Start with the bread first and layout three pieces for the bottom layer. Put half the t...
Good Kai means Good Food. Good Kai is a Food & Occasional Travel Blogger based in the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames