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Showing posts from September, 2016

Hvar, Hvar Island, Croatia

Bonj Les Bain, Hvar, Hvar Island It's a heck of a lot easier to get to Hvar now there are plenty of direct flights from the UK to Split (the mainland city - an hour ferry ride from Hvar Island). Just a few years ago we had to go via Germany and our luggage was misplaced somewhere in Frankfurt (I discovered later that luggage often goes missing when passing through Germany) and spending days in the same clothes and having to arrange to get our luggage to an Island on the Dalmation Coast was quite the task. Alas, there was no problem, and the ferry crossing from Split to Hvar Island was quite pleasant, before it was uncomfortably rammed of people with barely room to sit and no air conditioning in 35+ degree heat. Hvar Island, Croatia All of these positives do have a down side though.... there a far more people going to Hvar now and I was glad we headed over later in the season, September, when the crowds have mostly gone and the weather is still fabulous - around 30 de...